Attendance Information
Attendance Information: When your child is absent, it is important to notify the school office within 24 hours, in one of these ways
- Call the 24-hour Absence Hotline: 714-596-7090
- Call the Star View Office: 714-897-1009
- Note: You may send a note with your child to give to the teacher or office.
Please provide: Student's Name, Teacher, Date of Absence, and Reason
Why is attendance so important?
Your child must be in school daily to maximize his or her learning. Every day a student is absent, it is a lost opportunity. Too many absences not only affect the student's academic and social achievement but can also disrupt learning for the entire class.
It is best to plan appointments in the afternoons. This way, your child will not be missing out on instructional time, and our school will receive attendance credit for his or her presence in school.
However, if your child shows signs of fever, vomiting, rashes, pink eye, etc., it is better to keep them home. If you are in doubt, please consult your doctor.
Tardy Policy:
When children are late, it disrupts the classroom, causing the child to miss instruction. Additional teacher time is needed to explain what has been missed. It is the parent's and the student’s responsibility for the student to be at school at the proper time.
Independent Study:
While we would like for all students to attend school every day, we understand that occasional illness or other matters can impact attendance.
Independent Study offers your child continuity of learning and recovers your child’s absences. If your child is absent due to illness or other reasons for 1 day or more (up to 15 days per school year), contact the school office or your child's teacher to request an independent study. By completing an Independent Study Agreement and supporting your child to complete the school work provided, periodic absences can be cleared.
*As a reminder, students missing 10% or more days of school (2 or more days per month) are considered chronically absent.