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Gifted and Talented Education Program (GATE)

Star View's GATE program (3rd-5th grade) challenges and motivates students to use their talents and abilities to think and express themselves in more complex ways. Our GATE program provides access to the most rigorous coursework, independent research with highly qualified teachers, and educational experiences that expose students to varied resources and learning opportunities in science, technology, oration, and the arts. Students collaborate and present their research findings to deepen their understanding of the concepts learned in class. GATE students are supported in both their unique educational and social-emotional needs.

GATE instruction and lessons focus on four key GATE teaching standards: depth, complexity, acceleration, and novelty. Teachers ask students open-ended questions, helping them to develop critical thinking using how and why. Students are encouraged and challenged to explain the rationale behind their thinking. Our highly qualified teachers understand how to differentiate the curriculum to best engage with GATE students. Teachers use “Depth and Complexity Elements” as a guide for integrating depth and complexity in activities and lessons, asking students more sophisticated questions, guiding literature circles, providing enhanced learning opportunities by exploring topics during GATE group rotations, and/or independent study sessions


A Novel Study in a 4th Grade Classroom: Click Here for a look at a Star View GATE Magnet class  

Time Line and Identification:

Students are tested for GATE in the second grade in January each year. Students new to the District in grades 3 through 5 will be allowed to be tested in January. Students are given a standardized, norm-referenced abilities test, which measures the cognitive abilities that relate to a student's ability to learn.  Parent Permission is required for testing. Forms are sent home during Fall Parent Conference week for second graders or may be requested from teachers during the Fall conference. 

We look forward to starting this next exciting chapter in Star View’s story with you.

Star View’s GATE instructional program will benefit all students.

“Every student has the right to be appropriately challenged and to engage in the development and activation of potential. Whether or not it ever leads a student to a formal gifted identification or not, doesn’t make any difference. We’ve raised the level of academic rigor for all children.” Jessica Manzone, Ph.D., GATE researcher.

GATE Values:

  • Strong, foundational learning and core academics 

  • Safe, nurturing, and growth-minded environments

  • Empowering students to be thinkers and change agents

  • The power of curiosity 

  • The genius of each child 

  • Developing grit, empathy, and integrity 

  • Inspiring passion

  • Innovation and risk-taking 

  • Positively impacting our community

       GATE Brochure

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